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By Sabrina O'Malone / Tyndale House

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  • The perfect Day Planner to organize your busy life?

  • A super mega-vitamin to make you healthy?

  • Drinking cup after cup of coffee?

  • Tempted to try Bee Jelly or Soy products for some energy?

Search the “Whole Wide World” or the “World-Wide-Web” and you still may not find that something you know you need. was created to help you find what you’ve been looking for.

  • Hands-on, real-world help getting organized

  • Encouragement, affirmation and Inspiration

  • Free printable coupons for products you already use

  • Mentors

  • Solutions for the challenges you face

  • No hidden agenda

  • No one promoting herself

  • No work-at-home scams or schemes

  • No one cashing in on your needs

  • No banners, pop-ups or things that waste your time

The bottom line is that in order to give 100% to your family AND give 100% on the job, all at the same time, you will need a miracle.

There’s really only one place to go if you need a miracle…


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WorkingMom is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to show the love of Jesus Christ and to provide help in His name without discrimination.

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Penn Station, New York City

5:45 pm. Rush-hour. A tall, well-dressed business woman stood tapping her foot, impatiently waiting for the announcement of the track number for her train home. She checked her watch for the umpteenth time, and considered sitting in one of the last remaining seats. Instead, she decided to bow her head to pray. “Lord, this is a complete waste of time…this serves absolutely no purpose. Bless me with eyes to see Your purpose.”

She lifted her head and saw.

Her eyes met those of a stranger passing by, and then dozens, hundreds, what seemed like thousands. Their eyes held the same dull emptiness. Some were intent on winning the rat-race; others were resigned to merely walk the track. But they all had one thing in common: The same fate awaited them when they reached the end of the line…

They were dead men walking.

They didn’t know the Lord.For the first time, she allowed herself to feel God’s ache for these lost souls…His love and compassion for the perishing masses quickly overwhelmed her. “Lord, the enormity of the need here is so great…..I can’t bear it, I feel like it’s killing me.” A heaviness of heart threatened to buckle her knees.She felt the presence of the Lord. . “You are not meant to bear it. I will not give you more than you can bear.” As she looked up again, she saw a few faces in the crowd with light in their eyes…it was as if Christ’s radiance had only a few outlets available there, so it poured out of them with an even greater intensity.“Why are you showing this to me? What am I supposed to do about it?”“Feed my sheep.” “Um, okay…..I’ll start by putting my own grocery list on a website…..”This story isn’t about Penn Station -It’s about providing a road map to anyone who is lost. It’s about freeing people who are so overwhelmed and over-committed that they live like slaves.

It’s about you…

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Sabrina O'Malone - Mrs. New JerseySabrina O’Malone is the President of Working Mom™ and founder of PrayStation3™. She appeared on the nationally televised Mrs. America Pageant, the 700 Club, and is featured on national radio broadcasts such as Focus on the Family and writes for P31 Magazine. Her website,, is visited by over 500,000 people every year.

Sabrina O’Malone is a missionary to the internet. Where traditional missionaries travel to far off lands introducing agricultural advancements, clean water, and bring the gospel, similarly, as an online missionary, Sabrina brings timesaving checklists, coupons, relevant articles and the gospel to families via the internet.

Sabrina O’Malone is the mother of six and spent over two decades working full-time in sales and marketing. With unwavering support from her husband Daniel, has become a veritable online powerhouse, saving time, energy and money for thousands of families daily with free resources, coupons and inspirational articles.

O’Malone delivers engaging presentations to Fortune 500 corporations and Christian ministries throughout the United States. With unparalleled communication skills, subject knowledge and charisma, audiences the world over respond to her tangible help and resources as well as the spiritual encouragement of her books and inspirational articles. For information about our fundraisers or having Sabrina at your event, see:

For Sabrina’s Testimony:

: Vice President, Operations: Deborah's extensive background in customer service, order fulfillment and warehousing has streamlined the day-to-day operation of WorkingMom™. The average turn around time for bulk orders, individual orders as well as responses to questions is within 24 hours.

Desiree Molloy: WorkingMom Columnist: Desiree provides inspiring, real-world articles, observations and prayers that are read by thousands of Working Moms every year.

Nathan & Sherice Sudds of Nathan and Sherice format and market the new web pages on enabling them to be found, enjoyed and utilized by hundreds of thousands of families.

Pete Vega: IT Consultant: Pete creates and maintains the timesaving lists found on Working Mom. His knowledge of various programs and home PC system capabilities enable him to create easy to read and fast to download lists.

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New York SkylineWorking Mom Enterprises
P.O. Box 227
Dover, DE 19903


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Copyright © by Sabrina O'Malone
Excerpt of Prayers for the Working Mom used by permission.
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